Slack Channels
The VT DevCom has several channels in the official VT workspace. Look for
the main #devcom
channel, as well as any other #devcom-*
Weekly Meetings
Each Thursday, from 2-3pm, we get together on Zoom! We sometimes have a topic
pre-planned, but most of the time, it’s fairly open-mic. If you have a
question, a problem, or want to talk about a topic, come with it! To join, look
for the Zoom details in the #devcom
Slack channel.
Sharing Blog Content
Do you have a blog post (or even an idea for one) that you’d like to share? If so, make an issue on the site’s repo to start a discussion! We’ll gladly walk you through the process. Or, if you’re already comfortable, feel free to submit a pull request!
Content Guidelines
While we don’t have formal guidelines at this time, we do want to ensure the content posted here is applicable to the VT development community. If your content is tailored towards a specific project or only one team, it might make sense to document that closer to the specific effort.